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Old Wed 25 February 2009, 05:05
Just call me: Hector #89
Western Sahara
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Wireless (print server) Control Box ?

Does the PMDX-122 needs bidirectional comunication with the PC ? If not does someone has used a wireless wifi print server to remotly contect the control box to a pc far away in the range of the wifi cell?
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Old Wed 25 February 2009, 09:32
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
Becasue Mach 3 interfaces directly to the printer port electronics and it does require bidirectional communication (limit switches and estop) I would seriously doubt you could get it to work reliably with a wifi print server. These are designed to just spool a print job to a dumb printer.
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Old Wed 25 February 2009, 15:04
Just call me: Brad #10
United States of America
As Heath implies, the problem is not so much the bidirectional piece (although I wouldn't run a machine without limit switches or sensors).

The issue is that either Mach 3 or EMC2 is software written to directly access the printer port hardware and toggle the signals on and off. Print servers, USB ports, USB to parallel port converters, and the like do not support this mode of operation, and thus aren't compatible with the software. If you're really, really curious, the original PC parallel port was an based on the Intel 8255 chip; try Google or Wikipedia on "Parallel Port" or "8255" for various background.

The neat thing about the IBM parallel port design (originally on a separate ISA bus plug in card) is that the data lines were "open collector" TTL lines, meaning that an external device could drive them without damaging the PC, and the PC could read those resulting values.
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Old Wed 25 February 2009, 16:08
Just call me: Jack
Nashville (Tennessee)
United States of America
On some of the EMC2 lists some time ago, there was talk of using a 'display' and a 'controller' part of the display code. But it came down to there was no need, as people already did 'remote X display' the console of the EMC2 machine to their office or where ever over ethernet.

I assume the same thing can be done with Mach on a Windows machine by using remote desk top. I have use it to get a Windows display on a remote windows or linux machine. I use it at my house now and have used it in office environments before. ... This way Mach run on the machine that is 'local' to the router, and the display can be on your desktop or laptop elsewhere.

There are tools like PCAnywhere that have been around for quite a while if you really want to purchase something.

If you have some issues in getting remote desktop to work, email me privately and I'd be glad to give some assist.
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Old Wed 25 February 2009, 18:14
Just call me: Hector #89
Western Sahara
Send a message via ICQ to kanankeban Send a message via AIM to kanankeban Send a message via Yahoo to kanankeban Send a message via Skype™ to kanankeban
I have used remote desktop for server adminsitration, the drawback is that you are actually using two computers, not one...the idea with the print server is just adding the print server to the control box. But sincierly i doubt this is a good idea, I just was curious if someone have done it.
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