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Old Sat 14 January 2023, 12:09
Just call me: Jon.Z
North Carolina
United States of America
Hello from N.C, USA

Hi folks, I'm Jon and came upon MechMate about a month ago.

I had originally bought the plans for and was going to build the kr02 from kronos, but welded steel appeals to me more.

Yikes with drama over the years in this forum, but I guess it is par for the course.

So I am looking to build a machine that will mill 8 foot by 5 foot. That way I can mill American plywood and also baltic birtch in full sheet. I would like the z axis to be 10 inches if it is stable, or as close as I can get.

I am planning on using Aspire for the design work, and whatever else I may need to get from the screen to the router bit.

I am considering a water cooled spindle to quiet it down if that is practical.

I have a Hobart handler 140 mig, a DC stick, power hacksaw, grinders, drills, etc.

I'm a bit surprised to not find a BOM anywhere, it seems like a wheel that demands recreation frequently. I'm fine with that, but could someone point me to some useful threads on how to build such a list? Digging through the forum to find the info seems a bit overwhelming.

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Old Sat 14 January 2023, 16:38
Just call me: David
United Kingdom
Welcome aboard. I think the noise difference of a water cooled spindle is not worth the extra complication of piping coolant and keeping an eye on the coolant and pump. My 3kw air cooled spindle is not noisy and any minor difference in noise will be swamped by the noise from the cutter when it is operating, that's just my opinion so make of it what you will.
I use Aspire and run LinuxCNC as my CAM software but I am in the minority as I think most people on here use Mach3.
The reason why there is no comprehensive BOM is the variation between different builds and the available materials in different countries / regions but it is not too difficult to work out what you need once you have decided on the table size.
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Old Thu 19 January 2023, 09:33
Just call me: Sean - #5, 28, 58 and others
Orlando, Florida
United States of America
I have documented a few builds, in the early days (Machines 1-20) a BOQ is in a few of the builders threads.
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Old Wed 25 January 2023, 16:24
Just call me: Don Ross
Blue Ridge, Texas
United States of America
Welcome aboard Jon.Z Glad to see a new build.
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