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assembling the frame
After sanding the x car with waterproof sanding paper and water, I am walking arround for a week with blue nails. I paint it for the last time with a roller and a brush, and it looks acceptable. Thanks for the reactions for the paint.
I cleaned the tread holes, and assembled the table together. I measured the distance between the flanges where I have to install the v groove bearings. I measured it with a gauge I have mounted on a piece of wood. At the other end there is a screw to create a hard surface on the piece of wood to be able to measure. the difference is 0.1 mm. This wil be compensated with the nut i will turn on the correct thickness on my lath. This evening I am going to place the x card on the frame. Last time I damaged the guiding a little bit when mounting the x card on the guiding. so now I am going to place a plate of wood on the tabel top so I can roll from the plate of wood easily on the guiding. Then i can check if my gearbox is fitting on the rail. I bought some 3m vhb tape to place the rack on the guiding. the tape has no code it only says vhb. It is whith foam. thinkness is arround 1 mm (didn't measure) I will first try it on a small piece of rack I kept from a longer piece. There is also a picture from the proximity holder. I am also looking arround for a spindle. I think it will be a chinese 2.2kw spindle. the vfd (frequency controller) is gona be tricky. I taiwan I have 220volt 3 fase, and in europe I have 220 volt single fase. In the discription from the chinese drives the say input voltage 1/3 phase. an other option is boost my 110volt single phase to 220volt single fase. Put I think I have to be carefull with the ammount of amps otherwise I will create more smoke in the basement and I only want to create dust, lots of dust. Jewa is getting a little bid nervus about my electrical progess. Yesterday I assembled a rail with the breakers for my powersupply. P1040772.JPG P1040773.JPG P1040774.JPG P1040775.JPG P1040776.JPG |
Don't worry about turning some special spacer nut. If you recall in the "gantry squaring section" of the plans, you will find your self using .1 mm shims in alternate corners to get a perfect x - square - to - y relationship. So, don't waste your time on the lathe...you'll end up shimming anyway. Sean |
power up
It has been a very long long time that I have updated the forum. but I have made a lot of progess and at the moment I am finishing the wiring and the machine has been powered up allready for testing the axis.
I will not jump directly to final building part, but also write down what happened last couple of.....eh 6 months. Finaly I found a company which can do the sandblasting. They sandblasted the Y cart. After sandblasting I first sprayed wiht a layer of rust protector and 2 nice layers of blue paint. I bougt an electrical paint sprayer and the result is very nice. I bougt a sping with a length from 35 cm and I had to find out the length of the spring to get the required pre load on the motors. I filled a bucket with 15 liters of water and atteched the bucket to the spring. then I measured the distance between the spring attachment from the motor and the gantry. the final length of the spring with a 15kg load should be 135 mm The motors and gearboxes are placed on the x and y axis. The spacers used inbetween the 2 plates from the gearbox where first machined all to exactley the same length. after assembly and put the bolds on tork, I could feel that there was to much tension on the bearing. to solve this I untided some bolds and adjusted them again till I could feel the tension on the bearings. then I measured the space between the 2 plates on that postion and made a new spacer with the correct length. I think I had some variation in the thickness of the paint layer which coused this problem. but finaly I have 3 very smooth running gearboxes. the teflon washers have a thickness from 1 mm and are made out of a teflon sheet. In the meanwile I orderd my router spindle at deitech in hong kong.http://www.driver-motor.com I orderd a 2.2 kw router watercooled router spindle and a set of different size of collets. those people know where they talk about about and they are answering your questions. so I was satified to buy a spindle from them instead of ebay. I also designed a spindle mount and delivered the drawings in the ching cheng street. First I had to buy the alluminium in a shop 150 meter to the left and then I could go back to the machine shop. there they made a very nice perfect fitting mount for me. I could not find a picture from the mount but this will come later My z axis is also finished. this is a spindle with a linear guiding and ball lead screw. the travel way is about 40 cm. so when I want to place a indexer under the table, it is long enough to reach the workpiece. the backside of the z axis needed to be flatened. this has been done, to my surprice, not on a milling machine but on a planer. The travel way of the planer was a impressive 80 cm. the shop is that big, that if the shopowner want to sit, he has to sit outside his shop. so what you see on the picture is the complete shop including owner The steppermotor is connected with a belt reduction to the ball screw. The setup is without a compensation spring or gasspring. when the motor is not powered the z axis including the 2.2kw router stays in position and is not going down. During the final tests I will see if a gasspring is required. During Chinese new year I had a visitor from holland. He helped me with the electronics and the cabling of the machine. Targed: running before he was going back to the netherlands. This target was a little to high but together we worked a lot and made an amazing progress. I am very happy with his input and help. ofcause we had also visit the ching cheng street and some other electronic district to look arround for nice parts. The control consul is set up for easy diagnostics, so all the motor and sensor cables are interchangeable between the axis. each axis has is own proximity and limit sensor. On the front side there are also 25 leds, which are showing me the status of the machine and possible errors At this moment he is helping me testing the machine and he can remote log in into my system to set the parameters correctly in desc cnc and look if every thing is correct. here is an picture of the connection plate for the control consule. the plate is 3 mm thick aluminium and all the holes and squares for mounting the connectors are laser cutted. finaly for today I have two questions. How long must be the distince between the proximity and the limit switch? I don't know how far the axis is moving over its home point before it stops and what is a useable homing speed? |
Hello Rik
Nice to see you back, i finish my MM last summer but have not put on MM logo yet have bin buzy to cncing machines to the universeties in Thailand but use my MM to make different parts in aluminum Can you tell me the price you have to pay for the spindel from China? SEL |
I paid 180 euro for the spindle and 6 euro each for the collets I had ordered 2,3,4,5,6,8,10 and 12 mm collets. shipping costs to taiwan 40 euro.
The problem with ebay is that I first had to place an order before I could ask a question. Creating a paypal account was also not possible in taiwan. it was also not possible to order extra collets on ebay. |
Thanks Rik
I pay 350 euro for spindel and VFD last year |
finetuning and ....programming
Today, was a very nice day. My spindle turned for the first time in the mechmate. I decided to use a power converter to go from 110 volt to 220 volt to power the frequency controller. I turned the spindle for an hour at 30% of its maximum speed to see the heat production of the spindle, the frequency controller and the power converter. The water cooling was pumping when the command in desc cnc was on, so this was working correctly. I have a flow control sensor mounted in the back line which can activate the emo circuit when the flow is to low, but this is not connected yet. last time I played with homing and moving the axes, I could here a relay switching in the console. I checked all the connectors for bad wiring but didn't see something strange. today the relay was quiet
I placed a piece of paper with the axes direction on y slide so I can see if I have to to in the minus or plus direction to go the direction I want. I run a small program my collage has made and left on the machine. When I run the program The end limiter was immediately activated so I decided to move the 0 point from the x axis to the left side instead of the right side. Now I am playing with my dxf converter in desc cnc. My collage In Holland explained the basics. He can remote login on my mechmate and operate it from his sofa +/- 14.000km away from the mechmate. When I worked 12 years ago for the last time with cnc machines, I had to program them manually with with G codes. So no dust yet, but I am very close. I checked my starting date June 2009 so that's a while ago. for making serious dust, I have to move the mechmate from the glass house to the basement. That's also a test that I can disassemble the machine completely. the door from my basement is only 65cm wide, and also to low for walking in straight for me. I saw that some pictures are not added correctly so I will try to replace them. that will be tomorrow |
adding pictures.
These are pictures from the spring I used for the motor tensensio first I fill a bucket with 15 liter water. than I connect the bucket on the spring. I measure how much windings I have for the required lenght, cut the spring and bend a connection eye on te spring. |
Archimedes would be proud!
Great "teaching post". |
Thanks for the photos. Good to see you're moving along. Joe |
starting up, but no dust yet
A small update, I got some comment from Holland for no updates on the forum. so here it is.
Yesterday I mounted the control panel from the frequency controller ,a spindle speed controller and an usb connection on the front side of my control unit. then I closed the back panel from the machine. When I closed the back panel, the monitor and the computer didn't power up. I check for bad contacts bud did't found strange things, the third time I closed the panel successfully. Up to the next step. first of all I use desc cnc instead of mach 3 I can home my machine but when I home the Z axis I have fill in 400 as position. If I want to change the value to 100, the machine sees the proximity but passes it. I was trying for half day to correct this, but i didn't succeed. I have to zero the cutter any way so it isn't a big issue. Up to the next step. running a program. I chose the mechmate logo, placed by Mike on the forum a couple of weeks ago. When I load the program (with a usb stick nice mounted on my control panel) the spindle was running and shut down immediately, after removing the M6 code for tool change out of the program it runs. The machine run the program save in the air. I noticed that, the logo must be very small, or the machine was not correctly, I noticed also that it sometimes makes a strange noise during the program, but whit my knowledge I have yet, it is sometimes hard to judge if it is normal or not. Next step was mounting a pencil on a small linear guiding and fix this to the spindle and draw the mechmate logo on a piece of paper. The machine was drawing all the letters on the same spot, but the shape of the letters was correct, Hmm. A small moment I thought that the program was not correct but the differences in x position should be big enough to write the logo correctly and the logo was correctly shown on the screen while the machine run the program. Then the strange sound during running the program was triggering me that the G00 speed was to high and the motors where stolling. after an half an hour playing with the speed and accelerating settings. the machine draws the mechmate logo on the piece of paper how it has to be. again a step closer to DUST |
Nice update. Nearly complete. How about showing us some photos of your machine? |
adding pictures to the forom
Lets add some pictures to the forum and I want to show some things which I make different.
first of all I want to show the new bed from my daughter. she wanted a big girl bed. finaly she wanted something wiht hard shapes instead of prinsesses. she made the design and together we made the final drawing, get the wood, cut out the wood, sand it, chose the color and to save her clothes, I did the painting work. all this is made "manualy" and not on the mechmate. the other picture is a storage rack which I made when my oldest son, 9 allready was born. the ideas of these figures I get from magazins where the show how to make window decorations. They sell this magazins in Holland, but I don't see them in Taiwanhttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12919&stc=1&d=13272895 76 |
next pictures
So this is working, Mostimes I have to try several times the uploading from pictures so know the stuff you want to seehttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327290257
This is my machine. the working area for x is 80 cm and for y is 1.25 cm my Z axis kan travel approx 35 cm and is made wiht linear guidings and a ball screw. the ball screw is connected with a gear 3:1 to the stepper motor. I didn't use a gas spring but i find out that I have to be carefull with my z speed up. so a gas spring will be mounted in the future. So this is a kind of mini mechate. It is designed that it can be extended to x 2.50 and y 1.25. With the long z axis it must be possible to make a rotation axis under the table surface. the frame has a bold construction because It must be able to move the machine "easily" Here I have to move it to my basement, and the enterance door to my basement is only 70cm with. So first some pictures form my Z axis. there is also a detail from the proximity holders. there is one used as home sensor and one used as limit sensorhttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327290909 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327290909 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327290909 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327290909 |
The story and picutes I was creating was disappeared sudenly so second attempt.
first I will show a additional picture from my z axis. here the linear guiding and ball screw is visablehttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291635 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291635 Here is an picture of the proximity holder. I had this a little down afterwards to fit it wellhttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 The stopblock is not welded but mounted with a countersinked M6 screw. reason: when I want to re-grind the top edge i can remove the stopblock and can use the grinding skate.http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 Here is a picture from my motor. the motor connetor is connected to the button box and there are going two sub d connectors from the botton box into the frame. there is an ingoing and an outgoing cable. On the motor is the dust stop visalbe. this is made from a protection plug for pneumatic components. it was a little to small. but with when heated up with a lighter it could be made in the correct shapehttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 here is a detail from my teflon washer. I could not buy teflon washers in taiwan, but i could buy teflon sheet from 1 mm thickness. I drill a hole on the correct diameter and I cut with sissors the material round, for make it nice round I put it in a lath. In the picture you can see that i made it only on one side nice round and at the other side you can see the sissor cut edges. works fine.http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 here a picture from my suppervisor during the job. http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 The cable chain had to placed a little higher to let them run parallel. when I mounted the rail at a higher position it made contact with my bearing which run on the underside of the guiding rail. I mounted a piece of wood to correct the possition. the cable chain was not straight when hold parralel it was a little curved, I removed a little material from all segments on the table saw to correct thishttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327293278 I will save this and then start the story from my control unit |
pictures from control unit
In my last post I see the link of the pictures but not the picture directly. hmm
Here the story from the control unit. I am using desk cnc one of the advantages is that I can use an old laptop. this is mounted in the control unit. http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327295998 When I turn on the head switch the machine starts and the laptop start up after a couple of seconds. at the right side of the head switch is the control unit from the frequency controller. under this pannel is the spindle speed button and the on/of switch from spindle ( no labeling yet) on the control unit are leds mounted which are showing errors and status from controllers and axis. the labels are now hand writen but will be replaced by some nice printed ones there are also leds which show if the spindle, pump and suction system are running. This has been designed and made by my dutch collegue. He can log in in my system and run it from his sofa 10.000 km away from here. is a nice funtion for trouble shouting and learning. I use the Ipad with skype to show and communicate. |
last part from picture updat
I am doing 3 times exactly the same, and 3 times my pictures show up in a diffent way. I will show some pictures from the back side of my control unit. there are a lot of cables. each axis has is own motor and sensor cable. I case I have problems with one of the axis, I can switch cables to figure out where the problem is. I also have dummy connectors for my sensor cables
there are two swithches on the dummy connector, one for emo, one for limmit. when the machine is over his limit, a replace the sensor cable by a dummy, move the axis away, and place the correct cable again. On the picture where the leds are shown on the front side of the control unit there is also a usb connector visablehttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327298097 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327298097 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327298097 the front side of the control unit can be removed and most of the electronics are mounted herehttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327298545 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327298545 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327298545 here is a picture from the pencil I mounted on my spindle holder, I am going to make it that way I can mount it with a magnet to the spindle holderhttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327298373 I hope you enjoyed the pictures, When the first dust is produced, I will let you know. When I look in the previeuw I see only the link of the pictures but not the pictures directly |
The story and picutes I was creating was disappeared sudenly so second attempt.
first I will show a additional picture from my z axis. here the linear guiding and ball screw is visablehttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291635 http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291635 Here is an picture of the proximity holder. I had this a little down afterwards to fit it wellhttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 The stopblock is not welded but mounted with a countersinked M6 screw. reason: when I want to re-grind the top edge i can remove the stopblock and can use the grinding skate.http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 Here is a picture from my motor. the motor connetor is connected to the button box and there are going two sub d connectors from the botton box into the frame. there is an ingoing and an outgoing cable. On the motor is the dust stop visalbe. this is made from a protection plug for pneumatic components. it was a little to small. but with when heated up with a lighter it could be made in the correct shapehttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 here is a detail from my teflon washer. I could not buy teflon washers in taiwan, but i could buy teflon sheet from 1 mm thickness. I drill a hole on the correct diameter and I cut with sissors the material round, for make it nice round I put it in a lath. In the picture you can see that i made it only on one side nice round and at the other side you can see the sissor cut edges. works fine.http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 here a picture from my suppervisor during the job. http://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327291861 The cable chain had to placed a little higher to let them run parallel. when I mounted the rail at a higher position it made contact with my bearing which run on the underside of the guiding rail. I mounted a piece of wood to correct the possition. the cable chain was not straight when hold parralel it was a little curved, I removed a little material from all segments on the table saw to correct thishttp://mechmate.com/forums/attachmen...1&d=1327293278 I will save this and then start the story from my control unit Mon 23 January 2012 11:58 Tried to place pictures in the story. Here a picture of the router bits have. all bits have a shaft diameter from 12mm and a picture of the height adjustment tool I have. I changed the connector on the spindle. |
Today, there has been wood under the router and I allmost forget the smell of fresh cutted wood.
Yesterday I spent time on updating the forum. and making a program. I programmed my son's name and made a name sign for him. a frend of him was visiting him, so I made a name sign for hime too. Now my machine is finished I want to thank Metal Head, and Gerald, even when he is retired, for this great forum. It is connecting people all over the world. I also have to thank Jewa for making my electronics in his holliday and giving my good advise. Looks like this is the second serial number today |
Great !!! Paint, Dust .... Logos are all that's left !!
Congratulations Rik, I enjoyed it to follow your build
K |
Congratulations !
Good looking MM and nice details. Have fun! |
thank you for the congratulations.
I also wanted to show the shops in Taiwan. Yesterday spent on homing the z axis. It moved over its home point. Before I had the problem also, but when home postion for Z was 400 mm it worked. Yesterday not. I also wanted a home position from 100 mm. I checked the home signal, and this was OK. I changed the homing script 50 times and I looked on the desk cnc home page for advise. Adding G92.2 was the answer, and it worked. Don't ask me why it is G92.2. Today the shops are opened for the first time after chinese new year. I know a shop for motor / scooter helmet prints. there I was asking if he could make the mechmate logo's for me. After dinner they were ready. The shopowner told me that they were made from white foil made in germany, so the blue from the frame should not come through the white. I want to place them by daylight. The letter sizes are 40, 70 and 80 mm I also went to the shop for buying brush for a dust food, but didn't succeed. the hair was to short and it was mounted in aluminium, so it could not be bended. Here is a picture of the logos. |
You are really getting everything 100%. Well done and enjoy.
Logos placed on the machine with help. She likes to have a nameplate just like her brother.
Cool helper !! Nice build ! You get #92 !!!
Nice pictures!
I hope your daughter hasn't got her foot tangled in the cable on the floor in the last picture . . . if you switch the fan on she will hit the ceiling! |
Do Geralds Eyes miss anything?
Builder's Log Update
Congratulations on completing your MechMate and earning Serial #92. The Updated Builder's Log is here. Please review your entry and let me know any changes you want to make. |
Thank you John for adding to the building log. the comment field is full. maybe it is useful to mention that I use desk cnc.
For the people intrested: I have a 2.2kw water cooled spindle. I will add some pictures from my cool unit. Today I made the reward for my daughter. I engraved here name. |
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