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Old Wed 04 February 2009, 07:39
Just call me: John #26
Hebron, Ohio
United States of America
Phil Thien's dust separator baffle - an easier "cyclone"?

Copied from elsewhere:

. . . . . Here's a link where I describe the modifications that I made to the DC based on Phil Thien's "cyclone" baffle. It works great. I recommend it as a "cheap" alternative to a true "Cyclone." . . . . .
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Old Wed 04 February 2009, 08:43
Gerald D
Just call me: Gerald (retired)
Cape Town
South Africa
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Old Wed 04 February 2009, 12:08
Just call me: Nils #12
Winter Park, FL
United States of America
Gerald, thanks for including the other link.

John, I like the way you incorporated the other concept into the Grizzly. I am going to buy a Harbor Frieght when they go on sale and I am going to also buy the 9L300NANO filter from Wynn. I will do your mod.

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Old Tue 12 January 2010, 07:09
Just call me: Jack
Nashville (Tennessee)
United States of America
I am sure that building a proper Bill Pentz ( ) cyclone or buying one from ClearVue ( ... a plastic Pentz design) is better, but what experience do folks have using the 'barrel collectors' with a commercial 'top', home made' or of Phil Thien's design?
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Old Tue 12 January 2010, 07:39
Just call me: Nils #12
Winter Park, FL
United States of America

I have nothing to compare it to but mine is working great. I have a filter from Wynn Environmental.
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Old Tue 12 January 2010, 10:54
Just call me: John #26
Hebron, Ohio
United States of America

I don't know what you mean "barrel collectors".

As for my experience, I'm very happy with the Phil Thien modifications that I made to my dust collector. The only additional cost (counting my labor as "free") was for the Wynn filter which is truly worth the cost. My modified DC has been in use for over a year. I noticed a big difference in the amount of dust that "escapes" the Dust Collector filter. I have my DC in an internal closet. Before the Phil Thien modifications, that closet was full of saw dust. After the modifications the closet remains clean...BIG DIFFERENCE!

I have NO experience with Cyclone dust collectors. I've read the articles and "considered" building or buying one.
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Old Wed 13 January 2010, 21:25
Just call me: Jack
Nashville (Tennessee)
United States of America
Barrel Collectors -- At Rockler or Woodcraft stores I have seen basically molded 'barrel tops' that are 'supposed' to do what Phil Thein's collector does.

I have read elsewhere that if the barrel (bucket?) gets to full (over 1/3 or so) the barrel can be 'scrubbed' effectively sending the chips on through the rest of the DC system. I think I read that on Phil Thein's site, but I could be remembering wrong.

I have one of the commercial 5gal bucket tops, but haven't tried it yet with my shopvac.

Thanks for your response John...
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Old Thu 14 January 2010, 00:00
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
Jack, you could just add the Theine separator mod to your bucket. Lots of guys have done that for dust collectors or for vacuums.
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Old Thu 14 January 2010, 05:12
Just call me: John #26
Hebron, Ohio
United States of America

I apologize. I must of had a "senior moment." I know what a "barrel collector" is. I own one.

I use mine as as a "large chip" collector sitting next to my planer. It is connected to the planer on one side and to the dust collector hose on the other side. It does a good job of collecting the large chips. The only modification I made to it was to put a bicycle inner tube around the rim of the trash can that it sits on to provide a better seal.

I have no experience with Phil Thien's modification for a "barrel collector". However, based on my experience with his modification on my dust collector, I'm sure it works well. The improvement would be that the "fine" particles would fall out into "barrel collector" not just the "large" chips.
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Old Thu 14 January 2010, 05:29
Just call me: Ken
The barrel collector will work but I don't think it will be as efficient a properly designed dust cyclone. but if use with a shop vac, the filter bag will trap the finer dust.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone turn on their shop vac for an hour or 2? I do get very warm motor after 15mins...
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Old Thu 14 January 2010, 07:42
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
Most shop vacs are not rated for 100% duty cycle. Feins are though they are expensive.
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Old Fri 15 January 2010, 04:29
Just call me: Ken
More reason to have a proper cyclone or other full fledged dust collecting system.

hmmm... now I should have a motor in my junk pile...
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Old Mon 01 March 2010, 23:16
Just call me: Besser
Hey John#26 I agree taking the mass of chips out of the system produces less load on the system and having a barrel collector next to the machine is a great idea.
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