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Old Mon 04 May 2009, 21:34
stan stuart
Just call me: stan
New member - Brisbane Australia

Hi my name is Stan and I will give you a brief out line of who I am.
I was in engine rebuilding as a fitter and turner for 25 years 12 of those in my own business went opel mining for 1 year bumbed around for a wile and for the past 10 years I have been working in my own cabinet making business.
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Old Tue 05 May 2009, 07:06
Just call me: Heath
Cornwall, Ontario
Welcome Stan, Have a look around, there is lots of stuff to see here.
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Old Tue 05 May 2009, 16:35
stan stuart
Just call me: stan
Hi Heath
I am not the most computer literate person arround so it's taking me a bit to learn how to use the site but I'll get there
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Old Tue 11 May 2010, 20:48
David Bryant
Just call me: David #99
Western Australia
Hi Stuart

Being a fitter and turner you should build a nice machine.
I am starting with a "kichen bench project" while I collect the parts to build a MM in Perth Western Australia.
I will build the gantry and Z slide first as the "kichen bench project" Let me know if you want lists of where I get stuff from etc. I do electronics.
Let me know if you are going to "do a run" of the turned parts as I sold my Lathe to go travelling a couple of years ago
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